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18 results with 1 reviews in Summerville.

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Nursing Home Care in Summerville, SC

When the notion of nursing home care is brought up, it could more than likely brings up stereotypical images of "old folks' homes" where elderly folks are not doing much of anything except playing cards and watching TV. Yet this image is not only inaccurate, it also totally undermines the purpose that nursing home care really serves. This form of care is a critical component of recovery for seniors in need of recovery and recuperation in the wake of a surgical procedure, an accident, or an injury. As such, these fully-accredited facilities play a vital role into ensuring golden agers can return to their normal daily routine, because of the way in which they carry out seniors' therapeutic needs. And the city of Summerville, South Carolina is home to a wide host of these special facilities. Although these special facilities all go about their business differently, they all share the same goal of providing their patients with a therapeutic experience that is safe, comfortable, and dignified.

Summerville in Brief

Summerville is a city of healing - literally. This Charleston suburb and home to some 43,000 residents started to build this particular reputation not too long after it was settled in 1785, when it was known as Pineland Village. One of the chief reasons the city was developed as such in the first place was due to the fact that its residents needed a summertime shelter from seasonal insects and ailments like swamp fever.

One look at Summerville is really all it takes as to see why this reputation was cultivated. The city boasts a dry and sandy topography. When the city's terrific proliferation of pine trees is added into the mix, the result is a landscape where it is easier to breathe. The presence of the trees has long been a big deal to Summerville, to the point where it can be argued that the city had an environmentally-fueled conscious long before the notion of environmental advocacy was hatched. To wit: Back when Summerville was founded in 1847, the city issued a decree stating that people could not cut down trees of specific sizes.

Needless to say, there is still plenty of trees for Summerville residents to enjoy, and the abundance of these plants gives the city a beautiful sense of aesthetics. There is also a great sense of cost-effectiveness for residents to enjoy in Summerville, too. The city features a cost of living metric that is considered to be significantly lower in comparison to the national average. This bit of information could be particularly noteworthy to those that may be on the hunt for a city that will enable them to enjoy as much "bang for their buck" as they can in comparison to most cities.

A Look at Nursing Home Care in Summerville

Nursing home care, which can also be known as skilled nursing, is representative of the highest level of care that seniors can receive without going to a hospital. There are in essence two kinds of care that are administered within the confines of these special, fully accredited facilities. The first kind of care is in relation to short-term care that is built on administering rehabilitative aid to seniors in the wake of an injury, surgical procedure, or medical malady like a stroke. By utilizing certain tactics such as physical, occupational, and speech therapy, these facilities work round-the-clock to provide golden agers with a place to properly recuperate until they are healthy enough to leave and resume their normal functionality. The second kind of care is in relation to long-term care that is designed to aid seniors that have severe trouble with activities for daily living, which can otherwise be known as ADLs. These particular functions include things such as dressing, bathing, eating, or walking. While these two types of care are decidedly different, they are ultimately linked by the facilities' desire to provide an environment where patients can feel respected and dignified.

Living Life in Summerville

It is crucial that seniors recover from their injury or ailment properly. If they do not, the recovery process has the potential to end up doing more harm than good. And that is why the nursing home care facilities in Summerville are as vital as they are. Because they are designed to assist golden agers with the rehabilitation process in a way that ultimately protects their long-term health, golden agers that go to these facilities can be rest assured that when they are ready to leave, they will do so completely healed and restored.