The Homestead/ Barton FTHA - Apalachin, NY

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  • 4.5 of 5 average rating of 11 reviews

About The Homestead/ Barton FTHA - Apalachin, NY

Family-Type Homes For Adults:
A Senior Assisted Living Alternative.

We are homes that provide help for adults who need aid in their daily activities, and who should not be left alone. We provide the needed supervision, and gentle kindness that a person would hope to find. We are not a NURSING FACILITY, but homes, ones in which we live with up to no more than six other elderly adults. We have family meals, picnics, cook outs, parties, holiday celebrations, family vacations, (for those able) and outings! We are an extended family. Our residents have been invited into our homes to actually share our lives.

Because we live together, we come to really know our people. (Visit our web site to see pictures of our last vacation!) The ratio of caregivers to residents is one to four...unheard of in other localities! We are not staffed only by a string of people who are here for forty hours a week and then go home. We give warm, loving care and provide the level of care that each client requires.

We accept many different individuals who require specific types of care, including those with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Operators have First Aid Certification, CPR plus extensive caregiver training. We are licensed by New York State and inspected by divisions of Social Services.

The Homesteads are operated by wonderful ladies who actually reside in the homestead homes. All operators, prior to opening a home, work and train in the established homes. (as do all caregivers) The operatorsmore