HomeWell Care Services - Worthington, OH

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  • 4.3 of 5 average rating of 27 reviews

About HomeWell Care Services - Worthington, OH

Ray and Lisa are owners of HomeWell Senior Care of Central Ohio. When they discovered that they could own a business that helped seniors age gracefully and with dignity, they knew this was exactly what they wanted to do! Ray and Lisa are both very passionate about helping seniors. Ray has been in the medical industry for the past 20 years and Lisa has extensive administrative background. They are proud of the fact that they employ the best Personal Assistants (Caregivers) in Central Ohio.

Each Personal Assistant for basic and specialty care has a minimum of 1,000 hours experience. They value their Personal Assistant employees and work to let them know of that appreciation consistently. Their agency sets itself apart from others with their extensive, unique programs that are offered to the elderly of Central Ohio. Our Care managers create individualized care plans for the clients and update them as needed. Personal Assistant time sheets are created from the care plan, assuring the care is provided as directed in the care plan. Additionally, we provide quality assurance visits and call our clients routinely for input. We value our elders and seek to provide the best care available.