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Volante of Chesterfield - Chesterfield, MI
Volante of Chesterfield - Chesterfield, MI has yet not published prices.
- Bathing, Grooming, Hygiene
- All private rooms
- Alzheimer Care
- Full-time Activity Director
- Customized Care
- Secured exterior courtyards with walking paths and professionally manicured landscapes and gardens
- Safety Checks
- Changing and Laundering Linens
- 55 and Over Retirement Community
- 3 Balanced Meals and Snacks Per Day
- Diabetic Insulin Management
- Cable Included
- Utilities
- Beauty & Barber Services
- Assistance with all aspects of daily living
- Memory Care Services
- Secure Memory Unit
- Hospice Support
- Fine dining service for breakfast, lunch and dinner
- 24-hour Emergency Call Response
- 24 hour care