Allen Park Community Living Center - Allen Park, MI

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  • 3.6 of 5 average rating of 4 reviews

About Allen Park Community Living Center - Allen Park, MI

The Allen Park Community Living Center is located at 19330 Champaign Avenue in Allen Park, MI. We focus on a resident population that is medically fragile, aged, demented, and those with Alzheimer’s. Each resident can expect to receive the following:
•Beautifully decorated private or semi-private rooms
•Twenty-four hour staff for assistance and supervision
•Bed checks performed to ensure safety of residents
•All exit doors are alarmed to monitor entry/exit of the facility
•Three meals provided daily according to nutritional needs
•Snacks, juice, and coffee provide as appropriate
•Assistance with personal hygiene to include:
oClothing changes
oBathing in a discrete manner
oRestroom assistance
oHair styling
•Medications administered according to physician instructions
•Coordination of delivery of medications from pharmacy
•Housekeeping is performed daily
•Full laundry services of clothing and bedding
•Bedding changed weekly or more frequently if needed
•Beautiful living room overlooking scenic area
•Living room includes large screen TV with satellite
•Activities are planned to include exercise approved by physician
In addition to the above services the following services can be coordinated through our staff on location as requested:
•Private Primary Care Physician Visits
•Medical Specialties including:
oPhysical Therapy
oOccupational Therapy
oSpeech Therapy
oDiabetic Care
•Shopping for required medical and nursing supplies
•Shopping for routine personal items